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It all begins with ALETHEA, this group was formed, "The GAYTARDS"
If you have read our gay posts, kindly tag.
If you have a problem with we gaytards, you f@#$ing get out.
Thank you.
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Hi~ Just updating a little but nobody really comes, do they? ): Maybe we should do one gathering or something. But everyone's busy aren't they? Oh well. How's each of your life? Happy? Mine's utterly miserable right now. If I could, I would get out of high school asap. Okay, see you soon! ^^ Awesome. I'm Racher actually {:
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Last Goodbye
Hey guys, this is my last post here. Have a great year and pass your exams with flying colours. ;) You guys are Awesome. Bye, Gayest. Or now known as, Alethea.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
WHAT THE FUCK IS YOUR PROBLEM. -'- Forget it. We're only free on Wednesdays. Whatever, bye. - Gayest
Sunday, May 23, 2010
HelloHello . Gayest and Weird , kindly tell me th days which you guys are NOT free .And then , I'll arrange a day where all of us would talk about where we would go , meet up points and time . It might be difficult for me to find a time too though ; have Class Chalet , Class Outing , Parties , Visits to my friend in th hospital , CCA and so on . So , please finalise with me th days you guys are NOT free and I'll see th time . Contact me through MSN or Facebook . (: *changes topic . I miss you gays so much . Does Kellock have school on friday ? Maybe I can go and visit . 'cos from Thursday onwards, I dont have school already . and we're released WAY earlier these days . Should end now . (: &./ Merlynn , I'm kinda sure why you wouldn't want to go . Gosh , if you dont want to go , then so be it . not my problem .Pretty Gaytard . (:
Merlynn, you dont want go then dont go lah. Smeesh. -.- Eh, June hols coming already. So.. You'll still want meet up or what? Weird and I wont have alot of time to go out. Cause we have netball training almost everyday and sup. Better decide on a date now. Kay? Kay? Kayyyyy? I think thats all i wanna say. Bye - I forgot who i am.. Oh right, Gayest.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
What's wrong with you guys ? Please keep this alive .. although we have our own lives now . Meet up soon , and I miss you guys . ): Pretty ~
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Heylos, I don't want a gay reunion or wtv. I... am emoing. YA LAH. NOW THEN UPDATE HOR. Tch. I'm depressed, don't want ): you ask idiot luh, I'm sure she's BUSY. And she wouldn't want to go, trust me, I know. Err. Oh. Hi. Imy people..? Omg, I'm going freaktarded. Bye. Er, I forgot who I am. Ugh, who cares.
We're found by ALETHEA DAWN JO.
Respectively from 6Cas`09 (ANNE&RACHER&ZAREENA) and 5Daisy`09 (ALETHEA&GABRIELLE&MERLYNN)
If you're daring to break anyone's heart in the gang, you have to deal with the rest.
If you got a problem with we gays, get out.
Founded in the Internet, MSN.
Members of Gaytards
Anne - Idiotic Gaytard
Racher - Awesome Gaytard
Zareena - Pretty Gaytard
Alethea - Gayest Gaytard
Gabrielle - Weird Gaytard
Merlynn - Lamest Gaytard
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